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November Meeting - "Perils and Payoffs: The Risky Business of Researching for Fiction" Presenter Elizabeth Sims, Award-winning author

  • Saturday, November 03, 2018
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Rancho Mirage Library Community Room


  • Open to the public. Registration is not needed.

November Meeting
Presenter: Elizabeth Sims, Award-winning author 

Perils and Payoffs: The Risky Business of Researching for Fiction
Prizewinning author Elizabeth Sims will give you an insider’s look at techniques that make today’s fiction jump off the page! She’ll share the keys to finding out just about anything, from real people who know what they’re talking about. Also, she’ll discuss how to gain first-hand experience, having tagged along on movie auditions, attended class at Harvard Law School, played music on the street for money, used a firearm, talked with cops, opened and walked through countless scary doors, and much more. Her tales—often hilarious, always truthful—will give you a real taste of how professional writers bring authenticity to their work. Join Elizabeth for this unforgettable talk, with Q & A afterward.

Topic: Perils and Payoffs: The Risky Business of Researching for Fiction