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November Meeting: Book-to-Screen! An Interview with "White Oleander" Author JANET FITCH

  • Saturday, November 07, 2015
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Rancho Mirage Library, Community Room

November 7, 2015

Could YOUR book become a movie?

An Interview

"White Oleander" Author

Janet Fitch
Author Janet Fitch will be interviewed by Idyllwild favorite and best-selling author, Eduardo Santiago.

This engaging interview format provides writers a fantastic medium to have all their book-to-movie questions answered. Join this room full of writers (and readers) as we  listen, learn and laugh when Eduardo Santiago asks well-known Author Janet Fitch all the right questions about what to expect on the way to the big screen!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Rancho Mirage Library, Community Room

Janet Fitch is most famously known as the author of the Oprah's Book Club novel White Oleander, which became a film in 2002.

Ms. Fitch is currently a faculty member in the Master of Professional Writing Program at the University of Southern California, where she teaches fiction.

Janet Fitch was born in Los Angeles, a third-generation native, and grew up in a family of voracious readers. As an undergraduate at Reed College, Fitch had decided to become a historian, attracted to its powerful narratives, the scope of events, the colossal personalities, and the potency and breadth of its themes. But when she won a student exchange to Keele University in England, where her passion for Russian history led her, she awoke in the middle of the night on her twenty-first birthday with the revelation she wanted to write fiction.

Eduardo Santiago was founder and curator for the Idyllwild Author Series for the past five years. In addition to his full-time teaching career, Eduardo Santiago facilitates intensive writer workshops. Always on the go, Eduardo's next collaboration is the upcoming Literary Voyage to Cuba.

Eduardo Santiago  was born Cuba and grew up in Los Angeles and Miami. He holds a BFA in Film and Television from California Institute of the Arts and was a 2004 PEN Emerging Voices Rosenthal Fellow. His novels, Tomorrow They Will Kiss and Midnight Rumba have won numerous awards.

This meeting presents a unique opportunity for all writers, novice to professional to meet an industry professional. Take notes, introduce yourself, participate in this fabulous community of writers!

Contact person for this event:

Ann Marie Biskar

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