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DEADLINE! April 4th: Monthly Writing Challenge: Forbidden Love (plot)

  • Saturday, April 04, 2015
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Rancho Mirage Library, Community Room, Rancho Mirage, CA

Monthly Writing Challenge 

This season the Monthly Writing Challenge invites members to explore plot.

APRIL CHALLENGE: Forbidden Love (plot)

While opinions differ on the number of plots available to writers, the definition remains fairly consistent - plot is a chain of cause-and-effect relationships that create a pattern of unified action and behavior – forcing the reader to ask  “Why?” What is the difference between plot and story?  Strictly speaking, the story is a series of related events that make up the story. 

The plot includes the motive of the main character to take action or to react. And this motive helps to create meaning or theme, which enables the reader to talk about what the story says about the human condition.  

All plots stem from conflict and contain the basic dramatic elements that revolve around a problem dealt with in sequence: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. There are two types of plots; physical plot where the story arises from external causes, and character plot where the story arises from character. Each is examined in the challenge.

The APRIL 2015 Challenge

Forbidden Love (Plot)

Any love that goes against the conventions of society. The lovers ignore social convention and pursue their hearts, usually with disastrous results.

*The judges will be looking at the relationship in social context (what taboos are broken), the realities of the doomed relationship and the end point of the relationship – usually by death, force or desertion.

This is a character plot. 

*Submit April entry and $5 at the 

APRIL 4, 2015 Monthly Meeting.

**Entry Submission Rules**
  • Must be a member of Palm Springs Writers Guild with current 2014-2015 season status. 
  • Monthly entries must be submitted by hand at the specific monthly meeting. [Example: Submit April's entry at the beginning of the April meeting]

  • Entry of 500 words or less
  • Double space 
  • 12-point Times Roman or Times New Roman  
  • Indented paragraphs 
  • Do not put your name on your entry
  • Place $5.00 cash entry fee in envelope (sorry! no checks).
  • Write your name on the outside of the envelope
  • The winner will receive a cash prize based on the total number of submitted entries
  • The winning entry may be read at the following scheduled monthly meeting. *THE APRIL CHALLENGE WILL BE READ AT THE JUNE 6TH MEETING.
*Be sure to comply to all requirements. As with most professional writing submissions, there is no leeway on the above rules. Your entry will not be returned to you unless you have requested an editorial review.
The PSWG Monthly Writing Challenge is a benefit of membership available to all members with current status. To find out more about our programs and events, click here.

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