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New! Drop-In Session: Marketing a Book via Social Media - One Writer's Experience

  • Saturday, November 03, 2012
  • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Prior to General Meeting: Open to Members & Non-Members in the Community Room. R.M. Library
New! Drop-In Session
"Marketing a Book Via Social Media -
 One Writer's Experience"

As writers of today, a familiar phrase rings in our ears "You MUST be online in order to market your work!"

  • But how? When? And where?
  • Is online part of a writer's platform?
  • How much time does a writer need to spend there?
  • What are we supposed to do online?
  • And with all this online management, how do we find time to write?

These are just a few of the questions so many writers have today.

Join us for a new Drop-In Session hosted by author and PSWG Member Lynne Spreen.

Lynne will share her insights and strategies for creating an online presence, including social networking and blogging.

There is no fee for this session, which will be held in the Community Room of the Rancho Mirage Library.

So 'drop-in' at 12:30 pm (prior to the 2:00pm General Meeting) and take notes, ask questions, and raise any concerns as one of your fellow writers offers some good advice based on her own recent experience and success.

About the Author:
Lynne Morgan Spreen                                                                            After three decades in the corporate world, Lynne Spreen developed a career as a freelance writer. She also purposely built a platform while completing her first novel.

Now her popular midlife blog,, has almost 900 subscribers. In addition, she's active on Facebook, Goodreads, and other social networks.

Her recently published book, Dakota Blues is the story of one woman breaking free in midlife. Lynne published it using Amazon's CreateSpace, and half her sales are generated from her online efforts. 

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